Math Method

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Quizzes and Activities

a + x = b

Tests your ability to solve problems in the form "a + x = b". [+1 point per problem]

ax = b

Tests your ability to solve problems in the form "ax = b". [+1 point per problem]

a + bx = c

Tests your ability to solve problems in the form "a + bx = c". [+3 points per problem]

a(b + x) = c

Tests your ability to solve problems in the form "a(b + x) = c". [+5 points per problem]

a + bx = cx

Tests your ability to solve problems in the form "a + bx = cx". [+6 points per problem]

a + bx = c + dx

Tests your ability to solve problems in the form "a + bx = c + dx". [+7 points per problem]

Ordered Pair Slope Finder

Tests your ability to find the slope of a line intersecting two ordered pairs. [+6 points per problem]

Complementary Angles Measure Puzzle

Find the measure of an angle that is part of a pair of complementary angles. [+9 points per problem]

Supplementary Angles Measure Puzzle

Find the measure of an angle that is part of a pair of supplementary angles. [+9 points per problem]

Standard Form Slope Finder

Tests your ability to find the slope of a line from an equation written in standard form. [+6 points per problem]

Simple Systems Practice 2 Answer

Tests your ability to solve systems with each equation in the form "a + bx = y". [+7 points per problem]

Exponential Growth Practice

Helps you practice word problems relating to exponential growth using interest as the scenario. [+6 points per problem]

Quadratic Equation Practice 2 Answer

Helps you practice solving quadratic equations. [+8 points per problem]

Inscribed Angle Practice

Helps you practice finding inscribed angle measures. [+8 points per problem]

Exterior Angle Measure Puzzle

Helps you practice finding the measure of base angles of an isosceles triangle based on exterior angle measure. [+4 points per problem]

More Inscribed Angle Practice

Helps you practice finding inscribed angle measures in a harder problem. [+8 points per problem]

Similar Triangles Practice

Helps you practice finding side measures based on triangle similitude. [+10 points per problem]

Tangent Finding Practice

Helps you practice finding side measures based on tangents. [+6 points per problem]

Arctangent Finding Practice

Helps you practice finding angle measures based on two side measures using arctangent. [+7 points per problem]

Tangent Puzzle

A word problem that has you use the tangent function to find the distance away a dog is. [+8 points per problem]

Two-Digit Multiplication Practice PracticeIt

Helps you practice multiplying two-digit numbers mentally. [+1 point per problem]

Coordinate Distance Practice

Helps you practice finding the distance between two points. [+5 points per problem]

Midpoint Puzzle

Helps you practice finding the endpoint of a line segment based on one endpoint and the midpoint. [+5 points per problem]

Endpoints to Radius

Helps you practice finding the radius of a circle based on its diameter's endpoints. [+5 points per problem]

Quadratic-Linear Systems Practice 2 Answer

Helps you practice solving quadratic-linear systems. [+12 points per problem]

Trig Pythagorean Theorem Practice

Helps you practice using the trig Pythagorean theorem to find an angle measure. [+8 points per problem]

Building Sighted Puzzle

Helps you practice using tangent in a scenario. [+8 points per problem]

Equation From Zeros Practice 2 Answer

Helps you practice forming a polynomial from 3 zeros. [+10 points per problem]

Quadratic-Quadratic Systems Practice 2 Answer

Helps you practice solving quadratic-quadratic systems with parabolas. [+10 points per problem]

Area From Equation of an Ellipse Finder

Helps you practice finding the area of a an ellipse from its equation. [+5 points per problem]

Arithmetic Series

Helps you practice finding finite arithmetic series. [+8 points per problem]

Geometric Series

Helps you practice finding finite geometric series. [+10 points per problem]

Trig Study Shuffle

Helps you study all Trig concepts available on Math Method. [+0 points per problem]

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