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Enter the numerator (first part of a fraction) followed by a /
then the denominator (last part of a fraction). You can also enter negative fractions.
First, enter the integer (positive and negative numbers) followed by a space. Then, follow the fraction rules above to enter the fraction part.
Math Method also accepts integers and decimals.
To change what numbers will show up in problems, click Settings. Next, you can change the numbers in either box under the heading Randomization Settings to change what numbers will show up in the problems (Math Method automatically makes sure it only shows solvable problems). This setting automatically saves to your account if you are signed in or your browser if you are not signed in.
You may only reset your score when not signed in. To reset your score, first click the score counter located in the navbar, then click Reset Score.
On Apple iOS devices you may add Math Method to your home screen to make it function more like an app. The first step in doing this is to tap the share button while in Safari. Then, find the button that says Add to Home Screen and tap that. You will now be exited out of Safari. Finally, scroll through your home screen until you find the Math Method webapp. Now, you can enjoy Math Method and all of it's full screen glory.
√-1 8 ∑ π
And it was delicious!
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Math Method is made with Code and Math by Ian Morrill. By continuing to browse this site you agree to the terms of use and privacy policy.