Practice solving problems in a + x = b form
Practice ax = b problems
Helps you practice exponential decay dealing with elemental half-lives
Helps you practice finding the inverse proportion in a word problem.
Practice using quadratic equations to calculate projectile height after elapsed time.
Helps you practice solving a + bx = c style equations
Applies trigonometry to a real-ish life situation
Helps you square complex numbers.
Get the sum of an arithmetic series given items.
Find the value of a unknown term given two terms of a geometric series.
Find the common difference of an arithmetic sequence, given the sum, first term and number of terms.
Gewt the value at a given term based on two provided terms
Use the natural log to figure out the time need to earn a given amount of interest.
Practice adding cosine values
Practice converting polar coordinates to rectangular
Helps you practice converting rectangular coordinates to the polar system.
Practice Law of Sines with this quiz
Helps you practice using logarithms
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